Nunca espere uma boa fossa de Paul McCartney. O compositor Paul McCartney passou a vida inteira, basicamente, escrevendo a mesmíssima coisa: "it's getting better all the time". Nos seus piores momentos ele gravou, por exemplo, uma chatice natalina ["simply having a wonderful Xmas time!"] que eu sou obrigado a ouvir todos os anos umas duzentas vezes durante dezembro aqui em Babylon. Nos melhores momentos, ele é capaz de escrever simultaneamente em dois registros: satisfeito/feliz com um suave fundo melancólico, sutil e contido. Seu último disco, gravado praticamente sozinho, fecha com um dos momentos mais felizes do compositor Paul McCartney.
Winter Bird / When Winter Comes
Paul McCartney
Must fix the fence by the acre plot.
Two young foxes have been nosing around.
The lambs and the chickens won't feel safe
Until it's done.
Two young foxes have been nosing around.
The lambs and the chickens won't feel safe
Until it's done.
I must dig a drain by the carrot patch.
The whole crop spoils if it gets too damp
And where will we be with an empty store
When winter comes?
The whole crop spoils if it gets too damp
And where will we be with an empty store
When winter comes?
When winter comes and food is scarce,
We'll warn our toes to stay indoors.
When summer's gone, we'll fly away
And find the sun when winter comes.
We'll warn our toes to stay indoors.
When summer's gone, we'll fly away
And find the sun when winter comes.
Must find the time to plant some trees
In thе meadow where thе river flows.
In time to come, they'll make good shade
For some poor soul.
In thе meadow where thе river flows.
In time to come, they'll make good shade
For some poor soul.