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Música de Quarentena: "Invasion" de Macka B

Macka B

"Look here old chap it's us who gave you civilization!"
If a man in your house told you to come out
And told you to live in the garden
If it happened to you tell me what would you do
Wouldn't you fight and fight and fight them?
Those old old Europeans, they had a lot of men.
They went over to other peoples' land
To conquer was their intention.
Those old old Europeans, they had a lot of men.
They went over to America to conquer the red Indians.
Well, I don't know about you, but I tell you what I do
When I am looking at a western.
When I'm watching the telly, I'd don't really see
The red Indians as the real bad man.
They had a lot to give, because they did not want to live
In a little old dirty reservation.
Cause they didn't care cause they were just there
Defending their own homeland.
Europeans come not 1 by 1 but in their tens and thousands
With the intention of taking all the best land
And giving the Indians the bad one.
Well you must understand that the red Indian
Were not just savages and madman.
I am aware that they were just there
Reacting like any human.
If a man in your house told you to come out
And told you to live in the garden.
If it happened to you, tell me what would you do,
Wouldn't you fight and fight and fight them? 
Those old old Europeans they had a lot of man.
They went over to other peoples land
To conquer was their intention.
Those old old Europeans they had a lot of man.
They went over to South Africa to try and conquer the South Africans.
Cecil Rhodes and his posse of Europeans they came to we African land.
They came for a fight with the gun in their right
And the Bible in their left hand.
They treated us with nuff disgust,
Never treated us like man and woman.
Treated us like something from outer space,
Like something that you wouldn't spit on.
We were first class citizens in Africa,
They made us second class citizens.
It is mad and bad and so so sad
To be a prisoner in your own land.
But me people fight for the truth and right
And truth and right must stand,
So that system apartheid must be destroyed.
It can't carry on too long.
If a man in your house told you to come out
And told you to live in the garden
If it happened to you tell me what would you do
Wouldn't you fight and fight and fight them? 
Those old old Europeans they had a lot of man
They went over to other peoples land
To conquer was their intention
Those old old Europeans were a very cheeky man
They would turn round and say that they gave us civilisation:
"Look here old chap, it's us who gave you civilisation.
If it wasn't for us the you'd be running around
Without any clothes on.
We taught you to eat with a knife in your right and the fork in your left hand.
If it wasn't for us you would be fighting with spears instead of which shotguns.
We think your gold and silver is sufficient payment
For bringing you out of the past and into the present.
You owe a lot to us I'm sure you are in agreement,
So anything we say to do just do it and keep silent.
These so-called civilised men came with their big weapons.
Killed off Tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses and Lions.
Then put their heads in dining rooms for decoration.
Now tell me does that sound like a civilised person?
Those old old Europeans they had a lot of man
They went over to other peoples land
To conquer was their intention.
Those old old Europeans were very clever man.
They always made it seem like that they were the righteous one.
Now everybody in here has got a television.
And each and every body must have seen Tarzan.
You know the one, where you see a whole heap of Africans,
Looking kinda mean with their war paint on.
And from one tree swings a white man
Shouting aaaaaah like any mad man.
And with 1 dry piece of knife in his hand
He kills all the Africans one by one.
Well me and you know it's imagination,
But to some people it is confusion.
It's just another trick, a diversion
Created by those grand old Europeans.
Those old old Europeans, they had a lot of men.
They went over to other peoples land
To conquer was their intention.
Those old old Europeans they had a lot of men.
They went over to America, went over to South Africa
Went over to India, went over to Australia, went over to Canada
Went over the Jamaica, went ...

"If it wasn't for us, you'd be running around without any clothes on."


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