Café Tacvba
Café Tacvba
Un pájaro en el cielo atravesó.
Estaba yo dormido y a mi cuerpo despertó.
Como una luz fugaz se deslizó.
Alcanzó las estrellas y entre ellas se perdió.
De pronto casi todo entendí.
Así que de repente supe a que vengo aquí.
Algunos que se han marchado ya.
Algunos que ya vienen y otros seguimos acá
La tierra que me vio nacer.
La tierra que me vio nacer.
El cielo me hará perecer.
Tus manos me hicieron crecer.
Tus manos me hicieron crecer.
Mis hijos me harán renacer.
Yo sé que tal vez no regresarás,
Pero aquí con nosotros por siempre estarás.
Del cielo al suelo llega tu raíz.
Del cielo al suelo llega tu raíz.
Los que vienen llegando ya me hacen muy feliz.
Mis manos queriendo rezar,
Mis ojos queriendo llorar,
Mis labios queriendo reír,
Escucho la tierra vivir.
The Beginning of Memory
Laurie Anderson
There's a story in an ancient play about birds called “The
And it's a short story from before the world began.
From a time when there was no earth, no land.
Only air and birds everywhere.
And it's a short story from before the world began.
From a time when there was no earth, no land.
Only air and birds everywhere.
But the thing was
There was no place to land
Because there was no land.
So they just circled around and around
Because this was before the world began.
Because there was no land.
So they just circled around and around
Because this was before the world began.
And the sound was deafening.
Songbirds were everywhere.
Billions and billions and billions of birds.
Billions and billions and billions of birds.
And one of these birds was a lark and one day her father
And this was a really big problem because,
And this was a really big problem because,
what should they do with the body?
There was no place to put the body
There was no place to put the body
because there was no earth.
And finally the lark had a solution:
She decided to bury her father in the back of her own head.
And this was the beginning of memory.
Because before
She decided to bury her father in the back of her own head.
And this was the beginning of memory.
Because before
No one could remember a thing.
They were just constantly flying in circles,
Constantly flying
They were just constantly flying in circles,
Constantly flying
In huge