Victor Fleming dirigiu em um mesmo ano [1939] "O mágico de Oz" e "E o vento levou". Lendo sobre esse hoje esquecido "Spielberg" dos anos de ouro de Hollywood, me deparei como uma qualidade importante para diretores de cinema na qual eu nunca tinha pensado:
"Fleming had learned something essential (...) how to position a performer within the frame and time his performance in such a way that the camera brought out his temperament and his strength. This would seem an essential skill for any filmmaker, yet a surprising number of directors, obsessed with visual expressiveness, are inattentive to it. Fleming didn’t give detailed instructions to his actors; rather, he talked about the character, and located and enlarged a set of defining traits—a strain of feeling or humor—in whomever he was working with. Then the actors, working intimately for the camera, performed what in effect were idealized versions of themselves, creating a persona that connected with a widespread public fantasy. Fleming, along with such directors as Ford and William Wyler, had the star-making skill that Hollywood has now lost."