Era uma vez um péssimo aluno de arquitetura que leu isso aqui:
Nonstraightforward Architecture: A Gentle Manifesto
“I like elements which are hybrid rather than pure,
compromising rather than clean, distorted rather than straightforward,
ambiguous rather than articulated, perverse as well as impersonal, boring as
well as interesting, conventional rather than designed, accommodating rather
than excluding, redundant rather than simple, vestigial as well as innovating,
inconsistent and equivocal rather than direct and clear. I am for messy
vitality over obvious unity. I include the non sequitur and proclaim the
duality. I am for richness of meaning rather than clarity of meaning; for the
implicit function as well as the explicit function. I prefer ‘both-and’ to
‘either-or’, black and white, and sometimes gray, to black or white.”
Robert Venturi, Complexity
and Contradiction, 16
Séculos mais tarde ele esbarra de falar em complexidade e contradição na noção de identidade e a coisa toda volta à sua mente feito uma azia causada por uma madeleine mofada.