Trechos interesantes de reportagem recente sobre as humanidades nos EUA. Detalhe importante: o que nós no Brasil chamamos de ciências humanas, nos EUA são divididas em ciências sociais [sociologia, antropologia, economia etc] e humanidades [história, letras, inglês etc].
"... about four million people worked in humanities-related jobs, like museum curator or humanities teacher, from 2007 to 2009. More than 115,000 students earned baccalaureate degrees in the humanities in 2011, a 20-percent increase in absolute terms over a decade earlier. And 84 percent of students who earned bachelor's degrees in the humanities said they were satisfied with their choice of major one year after graduation.
The share of all bachelor's degrees conferred in the humanities continues to be fairly small, at about 11 percent, though that has been the case for decades. And humanities research receives 0.48 percent of what the federal research budget gives to higher education for science and engineering.
19 percent of the members of Congress majored in the humanities as undergraduates, a share exceeded by the 26 percent who earned degrees in vocational fields and the 37 percent in the social sciences. The least frequent major was "the sciences," at 8 percent."
Lembrei daquele artigo do João Moreira Salles sobre as ciências exatas no Brasil.