How am I different
I can't do it
I can't conceive
you're everything you're trying to make me believe
cause this show is
too well designed
too well to be held with only me in mind
And how am I different?
How am I different?
How am I different?
I can't do it
so move along
do you really want to wait until I prove you wrong?
And don't tell me--
let me guess
I could change it all around if I would just say yes
But how am I different?
How am I different?
How am I different?
And just one question before I pack--
when you fuck it up later,
do I get my money back?
I can't do it
and as for you--
can you in good conscience even ask me to
Cause what do you care
about the great divide
as long as you come down
on the winner's side
And how am I different?
How am I different?
How am I different?
Just one question before I buy
when you fuck it up later,
do I get my money back?
I can't do it
I can't conceive
you're everything you're trying to make me believe
cause this show is
too well designed
too well to be held with only me in mind
And how am I different?
How am I different?
How am I different?
I can't do it
so move along
do you really want to wait until I prove you wrong?
And don't tell me--
let me guess
I could change it all around if I would just say yes
But how am I different?
How am I different?
How am I different?
And just one question before I pack--
when you fuck it up later,
do I get my money back?
I can't do it
and as for you--
can you in good conscience even ask me to
Cause what do you care
about the great divide
as long as you come down
on the winner's side
And how am I different?
How am I different?
How am I different?
Just one question before I buy
when you fuck it up later,
do I get my money back?
uma pergunta: quando ela diz "how am i different?" é como se se referisse ao elogio vazio que o outro faz?
tenho dificuldades pra entender certos versos.
fiquei um tempão pra entender algo que li num artigo: "the clitoris in her least speech".
se entendi corretamente, o "her" se refere ao clitoris?
1. "Escuta aqui, meu chapa, que papo é esse de que eu sou differente [das outras]?"
2. Eu sou igualzinha a você, ou seja, eu também conheço alguém que me interessa e fico mostrando pra essa pessoa a minha melhor cara, mas depois acabo fazendo merda e decepcionando - ela e eu.
No final ela acaba dizendo: tudo bem, vamos lá, mas quando vc foder com tudo eu quero meu dinheiro de volta!
eu não havia pensado com tantos detalhes na segunda possibilidade.
quanto ao poema, é assim:
DESPISALS (Muriel Rukeyser)
In the human cities, never again to
despise the backside of the city, the ghetto,
or build it again as we build the despised
backsides of houses. Look at your own building
You are the city.'
Among our secrecies, not to despise our Jews
(that is, ourselves) or our darkness, our blacks,
or in our sexuality wherever it takes us
and we now know we are productive
too productive, too reproductive
for our present invention – never to despise
the homosexual who goes building another
with touch with touch (not to despise any touch)
each like himself like herself each.
You are this.
In the body’s ghetto
never to go despising the asshole
nor the useful shit that is our clean clue
to what we need. Never to despise
the clitoris in her least speech.
Never to despise in myself what I have been taught
to despise. Nor to despise the other.
Not to despise the it. To make this relation
with the it : to know that I am it.
Belo poema. Você sabe de que ano é?
Eu tinha imaginado esse significado... mas fiquei uma boa meia hora pra entender. Mesmo sendo palavras simples, me confundi na primeira leitura, achando que "her" se referia a uma mulher.