Song of Alice
She was the ... the patron saint of 23rd Street. She was around for a lot of time, she ... wandering around the hotel hallways in the middle of the night, carrying a little ... yellow cardboard box.
And she... inhabited the place, like a ... butterfly. There was this kind of sadness about her and they... and she did have this light... and nobody ever knew her real name.
Those times, I see her coming on a, stepping through broken bottles and gum, carrying her shoes, barefoot. People said she was crazy, but I ...
About six months before the fire, there was a ... big blackout, famous summer blackout. She walked around through the halls, giving everyone candles. Scared everybody away in the end. And when the fire happened, you know, everybody assumed it was her. Terrible fires all that year and little ones. I don't know if it was fair or not, but everybody blamed her for it.
And then one day, she ... she just vanished.
And later, they ... said her name was Alice. The whole time, I never knew her name.
Letra de “Song of Alice” de Keren Ann e Sean Gullete
"Sei que não atentaram na mulher; nem fosse possível. Vive-se perto demais, num lugarejo, às sombras frouxas, a gente se afaz ao devagar das pessoas. A gente não revê os que não valem a pena. Acham ainda que não valia a pena? Se, pois, se. No que nem pensaram; e não se indagou, a muita coisa. Para quê? A mulher - malandraja, a malacafar, suja de si, misericordiada, tão em velha e feia, feita tonta, no crime não arrependida - e guia de um cego. Vocês todos nunca suspeitaram que ela pudesse arcar-se no mais fechado extremo, nos domínios do demasiado?
Soubessem-lhe ao menos o nome. Não, pergunto, e ninguém o intéira. Chamavam-na de a Mula-Marmela, somente, a abominada. A que tinha dores nas cadeiras: andava meio se agachando; com os joelhos para diante. Vivesse embrenhada, mesmo quando ao claro, na rua. Qualquer ponto em que passasse parecia apertado."
Trecho do conto “Benfazeja” de Guimarães Rosa